Forums » Req. Waijung 1 Tech Support »
Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago
We are looking to procure the FiO 2, the aMG USB Converter - N2, and the aMG F4 Connect 2 together with the 32F746GDISCOVERY Discovery kit for the Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory as a part of the postgraduate course curriculum.
We tried to understand the relevance to our course from Waijung Training Book_PID Controller but could not comprehend it as the document is written in the Thai language.
Would you please send us a version of the document written in English?
Hello Mr Pradipta Kumar Pal,
You must have received an email regarding this from Mrs Sukanya, our Sales & Marketing Manager. We hope we can help you on this matter.
Parth Maheshwari
Application Engineer