


Does waijung supports zephyr RTOS?

Added by Geetha Rani almost 2 years ago

Waijung drivers for esp32 helped me to develop simulink projects. May I know whether it is supportable for zephyr rtos?

Replies (1)

RE: Does waijung supports zephyr RTOS? - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) almost 2 years ago


Thank you for reaching out.

I am not sure if you are also wondering about Waijung 1 for STM32 as you have posted this question in Waijung 1 Tech Support. To answer your question, we don't develop or provide any official support for Waijung 1 anymore and focus all our resources on Waijung 2 for ESP32.

For Waijung 2 for ESP32, ESP-IDF only works with FreeRTOS.

Sincere regards,
