Forums » Req. Waijung 1 Tech Support »
Added by David Bowden 5 months ago
As the subject line says, I can't get any Ethernet related demo models to compile on R2020b, but have no problem with other models. I have a number of 429ZI Nucleo boards I'd like to be able to get communicating with Ethernet, but haven't been able to compile any of the models I've tried.
Is this a R2020b thing, or is it something else? Thanks for any help!
Hi David,
Although we tested this a long time ago, Waijung 1 for STM32 was fully compatible with MATLAB versions pre-2020, so it may be a version-related issue for the Ethernet blockset.
Versions 2020a onwards were not tested with Waijung 1 as we had stopped Waijung 1 development and moved to Waijung 2 for ESP32.
Sincere regards,