


Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo4

Added by Johan Henning about 2 years ago

it demonstes -> it demonstrates
This example has been tried and tested -> This example has been tested
What should be happening? -> What shall happen?
LED toggle at pin 62 -> LED toggles at pin 62 (4 x)
LED at pin 7 turn on -> LED at pin 7 turns on (2 x)

It would be nice to add the debounce block because sometimes the toggling does not work because the pushbutton bounces an even number of times. But I don't think the debounce block works with function calls. So another mechanism shall be thought of to solve the bouncing switches issue when using interrupts with bouncing signals

The GPIO Pin map assigns pins to a custom label. But in the Digital Input blocks the pin numbers are shown (in the toolbox symbol). When accessing the Block Parameters of the Digital Input block the custom labels are shown. It would be nice if the Digital Input Block shows the pin number as well as the custom label.

Replies (3)

RE: Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo4 - Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) about 2 years ago

Hi Johan,

Thank you for the feedback. We will fix the typos in the coming release.

The debounce block will work with digital signals, not with function-call signals. If we find a mechanism to remove the bouncing signals in function-call signals we will add it in future releases.

The reason we didn't add the custom labels on the block was those labels wouldn't fit in the given space on the block if it has multiple customs labels. That's why we included only the actual pin names on the block.

RE: Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo4 - Added by Johan Henning almost 2 years ago

A few more in the instructions on running the tcl script:
requied -> required
consle -> console
shoter -> shorter

RE: Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo4 - Added by Shawn Sebastian Pulle (ฌอน) almost 2 years ago

Hi Johan,

Thank you for the feedback. This will be fixed in the coming release.
