


LED not working with Waijung2 on Olimex ESP32-EVB (WROOM32)

Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi, guys,

I'm trying to run a simple demo. My LEDs are either on GPIO 12, 32 and 33. I could not make it to turn on using Waijung2 Blockset.
It shows no error.

I tried using Arduino IDE and it worked.

Attached is my Simulink File.

MATLAB Version: 2022a
Waijung: 22.4

Replies (3)

RE: LED not working with Waijung2 on Olimex ESP32-EVB (WROOM32) - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Rodrigo,

Thank you for reaching out. I am unable to find your attached Simulink file, could you please attach it again?

Thank you.

RE: LED not working with Waijung2 on Olimex ESP32-EVB (WROOM32) - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi, Parth,

I just noticed the file gets a "forbidden" message when I try to attach it.
However, I was able to fix it. It seems that I have a defective board. I tried on a second board and it's working.
Now, I'll test the CAN feature.


RE: LED not working with Waijung2 on Olimex ESP32-EVB (WROOM32) - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Rodrigo,

Glad to hear that you've successfully been able to test the Waijung 2 blockset. Please feel free to contact us for any further inquiries. Thank you.
