


Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives

Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

When trying to build and download a Simulink project file from a mapped drive, you always end up in make error.
See for details the attached Simulink diagnostic file output.
If the same model is opened via it's original driveletter and pathname, then everything went fine.
The ESP module is programmed as expected.
Best regards,


Replies (5)

RE: Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Martin,

This is a limitation in ESP-IDF. It does not support UNC (Universal Naming Convention) or Mapped network drive paths. You can find the log message related to this error in the diagnostic viewer.

RE: Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Chandima,
Thanks for your reply.
Are you sure about the reason, because with the free esp32 blockset trial period, the mapped drives does work fine.
Never got an error on this. But from the point that esp32 blockset is commercial, this problems occurs.
I think that 'cmd.exe' you use underneath can't handle the UNC (universal Naming Convention).
Best regards,


RE: Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Could you please tell me the waijung2 version that supports UNC paths in your computer.

RE: Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Chandima,
Mapped drives with the esp32 blockset was always possible with Waijung 2 version: 20.11b.
See for the details the attached file.
Hopefully you can make 'mapped drives' possible from next release.
Best regards,


RE: Simulink model will not compile from mapped drives - Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago

Hi Martin,

We used ESP-IDF 4.0 until the waijung2 21.9a (including 20.11b). After the waijung2 21.9a version, we updated the ESP-IDF version from 4.0 to 4.4. Tools used in ESP-IDF 4.4 are totally different from tools in ESP-IDF 4.0. UNC paths were supported in ESP-IDF version 4.0 but it is not possible to make ESP-IDF 4.4 compatible with UNC paths with the current tools.
