


Build Error using SPIFFS on Olimex ESP32-EVB

Added by Suphichaya Youngsubtargul (โอปอ) over 2 years ago

Typically the second time I try to build my model utilizing multiple Waijung modules (SPIFFS,ADC, HTTP Client, Digital Outs) I get the error below

I can resolve the error by deleting my build files and restarting Matlab, but that is a nuisance.

" The RTW.BuildInfo object generated by the protected model is missing necessary information for a protected model build. Try regenerating the protected model or specifying a different 'OutputFormat' value. "

Let me know if you have any thoughts :)

Replies (1)

RE: Build Error using SPIFFS on Olimex ESP32-EVB - Added by Suphichaya Youngsubtargul (โอปอ) over 2 years ago

Hi Lee,

Could you please send us your model file? We'll take it from there.

Parth Maheshwari
Application Engineer
