


simulink Multitasking time sequential question

Added by william chan about 2 years ago

In simulink model , I have use the GPIO model and the CAN model at the same time.
But the time sequential is Derangement. please see in the following picture.

the GPIO set 10ms, 50%

but result is 20ms 50%

Replies (4)

RE: simulink Multitasking time sequential question - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) about 2 years ago

Hello William,

Thank you for reaching out. Could you please attach your model file too? That would help us test and debug on our end. Thank you.

Sincere regards,

RE: simulink Multitasking time sequential question - Added by william chan about 2 years ago

Hello, Parth
This is my model.
the xTaskCreate( " ", ) function running time is undercontrol or not ?

RE: simulink Multitasking time sequential question - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) about 2 years ago

Hello William,

We are currently looking into it. Will update you soon.

Sincere regards,

RE: simulink Multitasking time sequential question - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) about 2 years ago

Hi William,

The xTaskCreate Stack Depth seems to be sufficient.

The problem seems to be due to the very high sample time (0.001) that has been set View

Please change it back to "auto" and try again View

Let me know how it goes.

Sincere regards,
