


HTTP Webserver doesn't work properly

Added by martin van beek over 4 years ago

After starting the HTTP Webserver application I can reach the access point by pinging the address
But when trying to access point, the HTTP server with a standard web browser, Google Chrome, then there is an error thrown:

*Header fields are too long for server to interpret *
How can I solve this problem.
Thanks for your quick response, best regards,


Capture01.JPG View Capture01.JPG 240 KB Error: Header fields are too long for server to interpret
Capture02.JPG View Capture02.JPG 244 KB Path and Content of the Micro SD Card

Replies (4)

RE: HTTP Webserver doesn't work properly - Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) over 4 years ago

Could you please check whether are there any previously saved cookies related to in Chrome browser. You can check it by going to Google Chrome settings. If so, remove those cookies which are only related to And then test the web server again.

Please let us know if the problem still there.

RE: HTTP Webserver doesn't work properly - Added by martin van beek over 4 years ago

Hi Chandima,
Sorry for my delayed response, but I've done what you asked above without success.
When trying to load the index.html page, the internet browser throws an error 200, " GET net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED 200".

But when observing the serial data, coming from the esp32 serial port, there is some interesting information about the SD reported.
For the sdspi command transaction commands 52 and 5 there is the '"command not supported" reported.
See for details the attached log file.
Hopefully you can find the annoying bug ;o))
Best regards,


RE: HTTP Webserver doesn't work properly - Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) over 4 years ago

The reason for the error which showed in the web browser is because of a glitch in a html file. It was fixed and I have attached the source_files.7z below. Could you please use the attached file to test the web server.

Best regards,

RE: HTTP Webserver doesn't work properly - Added by martin van beek over 4 years ago

Hi Chandima,
The new supported 'source_files.7z' files are working fine for me.
Thanks for your quick answer and solution.
Best regards,

