Forums » Req. New WJ2(ESP32) Features »
Bare metal version of ESP32?
Added by Yuttakorn Kaewsuay (รัน) over 2 years ago
Are there plans to make a bare metal option for the ESP32?
That would increase the possibilities when dealing with stringent (fast) timing requirements.
Replies (3)
RE: Bare metal version of ESP32?
Added by martin van beek almost 2 years ago
Is there some update about this 'bare metal' feature.
Does Aimaging have a roadmap that can be shared with the users?
Best regards,
RE: Bare metal version of ESP32?
Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) almost 2 years ago
Hi Martin,
As of now there are no plans to make a bare metal option for the ESP32.
Here is the release note from all releases.
Here is the roadmap for future releases.
Sincere regards,
RE: Bare metal version of ESP32?
Added by martin van beek almost 2 years ago
Thanks Parth,
For sharing the roadmap.
I look forward to the features that are already on the roadmap.
Best regards,