


Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo1

Added by Johan Henning about 2 years ago

  • In th Digital Input/Output Blocks -> In the Digital Input/Output Blocks
  • Pins 62,63 are connected to push buttons. -> Pins 62,63 are connected to LEDS.
  • LED connected to pin 62 would blink at 1Hz while LED connected to pin 63 would blink at 0.5Hz. -> in fact the leds are blinking at 1 and 2 Hz with a 50% duty cycle.

Replies (1)

RE: Typo's in the explanation of gpio_demo1 - Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) about 2 years ago

Hi Johan,

Thank you for the feedback and we will fix those typos in future releases.
