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Build Error in Simulink (Zybo Image Recognition Project Example)
Added by will james 5 days ago
I have been following the ( Image classification using camera feed in Zynq-7000 ) tutorial today and after setting up waiju2 license, opening the project file as provided in the tutorial and with the proper XSA file, I’m getting a strange build error. It doesn’t give any code block reference or lines.
Any help or ways to fix this I would really appreciate it! I feel like this is so close to working.
Here’s the report I get from building :
=== Model Load (Elapsed: 0.60 sec) ===
Warning:In instantiating linked block 'zynq_7000_tutorial_3/Print' : Invalid setting in waijung2_printf block (mask) 'Print' for parameter 'printfcn'
=== Build (Elapsed: 0.713 sec) ===
Waijung 2: System information
Computer: PCWIN64
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
Matlab: (R2023b) Update 10
Waijung 2 version: 24.1a
Waijung 2 root: F:\newwaijung\waijung2
Waijung 2 System Target File: zynq7000.tlc
Waijung 2: 'RTWVerbose' is: 'on'
Waijung 2: SimulationMode is: 'normal'
Waijung 2: Removing remaing source files from previous build
Waijung 2: Creating environment variables for Xilinx tools.
### Starting build procedure for: zynq_7000_tutorial_3
### Generating code and artifacts to 'Model specific' folder structure
### Generating code into build folder: C:\NPU\zynq_7000_tutorial_3zynq7000
Warning:Source 'zynq_7000_tutorial_3/Basic Custom Code' specifies that its sample time (-1) is back-inherited. You should explicitly specify the sample time of sources. You can disable this diagnostic by setting the 'Source block specifies -1 sample time' diagnostic to 'none' in the Sample Time group on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.
Warning:The model reference sample time inheritance rule for block 'zynq_7000_tutorial_3/Basic Custom Code' is not set and the model is sample time independent. The generated code from the block might produce incorrect results if it is referenced by a Model block. For S-functions, specify the model reference sample time inheritance rule through the ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeInheritanceRule macro. You can suppress the diagnostic by setting Unspecified inheritability of sample time to 'none'.
Warning:The model reference sample time inheritance rule for block 'zynq_7000_tutorial_3/Print' is not set and the model is sample time independent. The generated code from the block might produce incorrect results if it is referenced by a Model block. For S-functions, specify the model reference sample time inheritance rule through the ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeInheritanceRule macro. You can suppress the diagnostic by setting Unspecified inheritability of sample time to 'none'.
before_tlc **************************
### Invoking Target Language Compiler on zynq_7000_tutorial_3.rtw
### Using System Target File: F:\newwaijung\waijung2\targets\zynq7000\zynq7000.tlc
### Loading TLC function libraries
### Generating TLC interface API for custom data
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code
### Caching model source code
### Writing source file mobilenetv20_0.cpp
### Writing header file mobilenetv20_0.h
### Writing header file zynq_7000_tutorial_3_types.h
### Writing source file zynq_7000_tutorial_3.cpp
### Writing header file zynq_7000_tutorial_3_private.h
### Writing header file zynq_7000_tutorial_3.h
### Writing source file waijung2_hwdrvlib.cpp
### Writing header file waijung2_hwdrvlib.h
### Writing header file rtwtypes.h
### Writing header file rtGetInf.h
### Writing source file rtGetInf.cpp
### Writing header file rtGetNaN.h
### Writing source file rtGetNaN.cpp
### Writing header file rt_nonfinite.h
### Writing source file rt_nonfinite.cpp
### Writing source file ert_main.cpp
### TLC code generation complete (took 2.692s).
after_tlc **************************
### Saving binary information cache.
before_make **************************
### Processing Template Makefile: F:\newwaijung\waijung2\targets\zynq7000\src\zynq7000.tmf
Warning:Warning: The following preprocessor macros
are specified in the component's build information (RTW.BuildInfo) but the specified template makefile
does not contain the token |>DEFINES_OTHER<|.
Warning:Warning: The following compile flags
-std=c++11 -mfpu=neon -fopenmp
are specified in the component's build information (RTW.BuildInfo) but the specified template makefile
does not contain the token |>COMPILE_FLAGS_OTHER<|.
### Created makefile C:\NPU\zynq_7000_tutorial_3zynq7000\
### Building zynq_7000_tutorial_3: .\zynq_7000_tutorial_3.bat
C:\NPU\zynq_7000_tutorial_3zynq7000>set MATLAB=F:\matlab2023
C:\NPU\zynq_7000_tutorial_3zynq7000>"F:\matlab2023\bin\win64\gmake" -f GENERATE_ASAP2=0 OPTS="-DTID01EQ=0"
- BUILD_MODE : real_time
- PRODUCT : zynq_7000_tutorial_3.out
- MODULES : MWAdditionLayer.cpp MWAvgPoolingLayer.cpp MWCNNLayer.cpp MWConvLayer.cpp MWElementwiseAffineLayer.cpp MWFCLayer.cpp MWFusedConvActivationLayer.cpp MWInputLayer.cpp MWOutputLayer.cpp MWSoftmaxLayer.cpp MWTensorBase.cpp MWArmneonAdditionLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonAvgPoolingLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonConvLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonElementwiseAffineLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonFCLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonFusedConvActivationLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonInputLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonOutputLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonSoftmaxLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonCNNLayerImpl.cpp MWArmneonTargetNetworkImpl.cpp MWArmneonLayerImplFactory.cpp MWACLUtils.cpp MWArmneonCustomLayerBase.cpp ert_main.cpp mobilenetv20_0.cpp rtGetInf.cpp rtGetNaN.cpp rt_nonfinite.cpp waijung2_hwdrvlib.cpp zynq_7000_tutorial_3.cpp
- Ending zynq_7000_tutorial_3.out real_time
- Created zynq_7000_tutorial_3.out successfully (or it was already up to date)
after_make **************************
exit ************************** - Successful completion of build procedure for: zynq_7000_tutorial_3
Waijung 2: Post processing started. - Build procedure for zynq_7000_tutorial_3 aborted due to an error.
Top model targets built:
Model Action Rebuild Reason
zynq_7000_tutorial_3 Failed Code generation information file does not exist.
0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 59.955s
Error:The call to zynq7000_make_rtw_hook, during the exit hook generated the following error:
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
The build process will terminate as a result.
Caused by:
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
Replies (2)
RE: Build Error in Simulink (Zybo Image Recognition Project Example)
Added by will james 4 days ago
I figured out the problem with the tutorial I was using.
I change my software to the following version
Vivado 2020.2, Matlab 2022a ( for running and building ), I had to use Matlab 2023b to run the original file from their download site, then save and export it as a DOWNGRADED version for 2022a.
you must ALSO use Waijung 23.5, with NO patches installed I would also recommend a VPN in case the license manager can't open enterprise and university firewalls seem to block that program.
once I did that I downloaded the HW PCAM ZYBO Z20 project and manually ran implenention on that NOT the hardware wrapper isa feel they give you.
using 2022a Matlab to open and build USING the hardware wrapper I exported then it worked out.
no build errors at all!
hope this helps anyone trying to use this. ill be on a cal,w with the company this night to help them fix their documentation.
RE: Build Error in Simulink (Zybo Image Recognition Project Example)
Added by will james 3 days ago
please see the following FIXED system wrapper.xsa:
system_wrapper.xsa | system_wrapper.xsa | 663 KB | pcam5c project wrapper built in 2020.2 |