Forums » Req. WJ2(ESP32) support »
Microprocessor Frequency
Added by Costantino Piva 4 months ago
Hello Everyone,
I'm using Waijung2 for ESP32 and since my micro has a frequency that ranges from 80 to 240MHz, I was wondering if is possible to see the frequency at which the microprocessor is working after I performed PIL simulation of my project.
Thank you in advance, best reguards.
Replies (4)
RE: Microprocessor Frequency
Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) 4 months ago
Hello Costantino,
The PIL Simulation report doesn't show the ESP32's clock frequency. It only shows code execution details such as execution time, MCU utilization, and other parameters related to code execution profiling.
Best regards,
RE: Microprocessor Frequency
Added by Costantino Piva 4 months ago
Hello Chandima,
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your answer but I was wondering if is possible to set the Frequency at which the micro operates, since the datasheet sais it hase a range of operating frequencies (Paragraph 1. Overview).
Thank You
RE: Microprocessor Frequency
Added by Chandima Jayaneththi (จันทิมา) 4 months ago
Hello Costantino,
Currently, there is no option in the Waijung 2 blockset to change the CPU clock frequency of ESP32. By default, the clock frequency is set to 160MHz. However, if you need to change it manually, you can do it by modifying the menuconfig parameters (sdkconfig) accordingly. We will consider adding an option to change the CPU clock frequency through the Waijung 2 blockset in future releases.
Thank you.
Best regards,
RE: Microprocessor Frequency
Added by Costantino Piva 4 months ago
Thank you so much for the answer, can't wait for this release then ;)