


Can't build c code and error

Replies (8)

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Tanakorn Prasoetphon about 1 month ago

I try in either way - deploy to hardware, and external mode simulation, but it can't work. How can i solve this?

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) about 1 month ago


We will check and get back to you with a solution.

Thank you.

Sincere regards,

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Tanakorn Prasoetphon about 1 month ago

I'm looking forward to hear from you. Thanks!

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Tanakorn Prasoetphon 25 days ago

Here is my more information about the error, it might make you get a better to find a solution. Thank you for your help.

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) 23 days ago


Could you please export your Simulink model to MATLAB R2022b version and resend the file to me? I am unable to open your file.


Sincere regards,

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Tanakorn Prasoetphon 23 days ago

Is it a correct file?

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Tanakorn Prasoetphon 17 days ago

Now, I try to use STM32F407VG associate with WAIJUNG1, during waiting you find a solution, but it still is not work and quite same as WAIJUNG2 error. Here:

RE: Can't build c code and error - Added by Parth Maheshwari (พาร์ท) 17 days ago


Yes the file you attached is the correct file. I will get back to you once I find a solution.

Please note that we don't provide support for STM32 associated with Waijung 1. You may contact the Waijung 1 community via the Waijung 1 forum and try to get a response.

Sincere regards,
