


Can't run the hardware in the loop simulation with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox with a rule viewer

Added by Suphichaya Youngsubtargul (โอปอ) over 2 years ago

I am using MATLAB2022 with mcu esp-wroom-32 flash size 4MByte.
We can't run the hardware in the loop simulation with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox with a rule viewer. While we compile with built for monitoring no the error found. The error found after we go to the ‘Hardware’ tab > Control Panel > Connect sir. The project file as attached.

Replies (2)

RE: Can't run the hardware in the loop simulation with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox with a rule viewer - Added by Suphichaya Youngsubtargul (โอปอ) over 2 years ago

Hello Ajarn, we have looked at this model and tried running it in External Mode.

Could you please change the stack depth size to 8192 and try again? We used 8192 and it works for us. View

Hopefully this will solve your problem, please let us know. Thank you.
